Become a member
Lovely that you want to walk this path to awakening and join the forum. I am looking forward to traveling this journey together with you!
Please be sure to read the introduction about guiding before registering. When registering, you are agreeing with the content and confirm that you are at least 18 years old.
Are you ready? Great!
As a member, you will pay a monthly membership fee of 29.50 €. It will be deducted from your credit card until you unsubscribe from your membership. During the first two weeks trial period you can finish your membership anytime. Send me an email and I will refund the money and delete your account.
You can unsubscribe here by turning off the auto-renewal. If you only want to pause your membership, nothing else needs to be done. When you want to come back, simply turn on auto-renewal again.
If you want to finish your membership, write me a pm on the forum or an email. I will delete your profile and set your posts on an anonymous user.
Should you not be able to afford the fee, there is the possibility of a scholarship. Please write to me, describe your situation and tell me how much you could afford. If you are an order member who doesn’t handle money, please contact me as well.
When register, a simple window for the payment will open. The name you enter is going to be your name on the forum.
When you registered successfully, you will arrive at a site with the link to the forum and receive a receipt and a welcome letter by email. In the welcome email, you will also find the link to the forum. If you don’t see it, check your spam folder.
Thank you for becoming a member! See you on the forum.
Warmly, Christiane
[memberful_buy_subscription_link plan=’26285-membership-for-29-50′] Membership Forum [/memberful_buy_subscription_link]