The First Step to Awakening

The first step to awakening is probably the most courageous one. Without being able to know what “awakening” actually feels like in actual experience, you are starting a journey into the unknown.


Imagine Awakening is possible

Imagine for a moment that full awakening is possible. Not in an unknown future, not in another lifetime, but in the next 1-5 years. The first important step, seeing through the illusion of a separate self, can be done in three months. You’ve come across a place where this can really happen.

You have the choice to say, “That’s what I was looking for all the time, I’m gonna go for it!” Or you can say, “No, thank you.”
What will you do? It’s quite breathtaking, isn’t it?


Here’s What I did in that Situation

In a rather desperate situation when I urgently wanted to see for myself that there is no ME, I had found the website Liberation Unleashed. It is a site where volunteers have dialogues with seekers that can lead to seeing through the assumption that there is a ‘ME’ thinking, experiencing, deciding and acting. I read several successful dialogues and each time, a point came after which I didn’t understand any longer what was said. Obviously, a deep shift had happened, the seeker and now finder felt relieved and lighter and life was easier. The dialogues took on the beauty of a Zen poem.

I realized that this was a real opportunity to grok this important step. And the first thing I did was – I stepped back.


Would I Even Like Awakening?

Was this what I truly wanted? There was no going back after that step. It was a bit scary. I had no idea what would happen, how it would feel like and what I would lose or gain.

What if I didn’t like it and it couldn’t be reversed? Would I still be able to take care of all the things that needed to be done? Or would I just sit around, doing nothing, watching the proverbial grass grow by itself? Would I go nuts?

Would my relationship survive the change or break up? I didn’t want to cause my beloved any pain. Would I continue to play music or would I lose everything I loved?

During my 40 years of search, I had started my life from scratch four times because of some promising path I had followed that had reached a dead end. I trusted my ability to go through big changes and figure out what to do when I was at the end of my wits.

I had no idea how this major change of seeing through the illusion of self would turn out though. But awakening had been my goal for all these years, and now the goal seemed to be within reach. In the end, I jumped and took the first step to awakening.  I downloaded their book “The Gateless Gatecrashers” from Amazon and saw through the illusion of self while reading it. I am ever so grateful!


The First Step to Awakening

You’ll have to take this first step towards awakening on your own.

Imagine, within the next three months, you can see that there is no ME thinking, experiencing, deciding and acting, the place behind the wheel is empty, how does that feel? Would you go for it? Share your thoughts and feelings in a comment.


Do You Want To Take The First Step To Awakening?

Download The Key to Awakening.  It’s already in your pocket, you only need to understand how to use it.

If you have a friend who would love to read this, feel free to share.



Image: Courtesy Pixabay

Comments 8

  1. Hi Christiane ,
    I just want to thank you for the resources on your site and Facebook page. I was also hoping you could tell me if I am actually on the waiting list for guidance and how long you think the wait is from where I am. Thank You again. ?

    1. Post

      Hi Robert,

      I’m sorry for the late reply, I only saw your post today. Thank you for your kind words! In the meantime, we connected already, so I think your question is answered.


  2. Dear Christiane,
    I am always finding new nuggets on your page and in the community and I just wanted to thank you for the amazing work you are doing and all the generosity and work you put into helping so many people. I would certainly have given up without your help, encouragement and guidance.
    With love.

    1. Post

      Dear Jill,

      thank you so much for your appreciation, it’s an honor working with you. You’ll get there! :-)


  3. hi Christiane,
    it seems as if this is my first time as a seeker. I feel so excited that this seeing through the me can actually materialize. I am looking forward to my next step and that will be reading your next post.

    1. Post

      Dear Kathryn,

      Yes, this seeing through the me can actually materialize. :-)

      I hope we are soon going to work together!


  4. Dear Christiane,
    Thank you for your invitation, clarity and encouragement, and generosity. I’ve been coming more into the body over these last years and embracing life more fully … finding it more sensational and challenging … a wider spectrum of highs and lows, yet sitting back … not quite prepared to say yes to putting my stake in … to saying Yes to truly wanting to awaken. Today it’s clear … I’m IN.

    1. Post

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