In the inquiry into the 7. fetter, the world as we knew it ends. It becomes clear that the assumption of a substantial and permanent outside world, appearing in time and space, is an interpretation of what is actually experienced. Working in this fetter, I realized that I was entering an experience that I could never have predicted. The …
Let the Pandemic Spark Awakening
You might find the title strange, how can a pandemic spark awakening? There are so much fear and suffering everywhere, you have to deal with your family being at home all the time, or you might be totally on your own which is very challenging as well. Maybe you’re afraid too that your parents or grandparents might fall sick, or …
Inquiry into The Desire For Form
With the inquiry into the desire for form, the inquiry into reality itself begins. Up to now, we looked into ourselves, now we find out whether what we think about the experienced world is actually true or not. The Desire for Form is the 6th fetter in the Buddhist framework of the Ten Fetters. VIDEO LINK When the Mountains are …
And I had thought I was awakened…
Do you also find it hard to know whether the fetters of desire and aversion are truly gone? It is hard to know, and basically, you can assume safely that there might be something left until the 8th fetter falls. With the 8th fetter, all lower fetters must be gone too, the lower ones are only the support structure for …
What Unlocks the Full Awakening Process?
If you have already seen through the self-illusion, you probably noticed that this can’t be full awakening. You still get easily lost in thoughts. Once in while anger floods you though you know that there is nobody who could be angry. And your favored snack is still all too appealing though you’re clear that there is no entity that wants to eat …
The Most Important Tool To Awaken
In this video, you’ll come to know the most important tool to awaken. It’s not a tool only a few or very special people have, everybody has it already. You only need to use it. Awakening doesn’t mean that we reach a special state and need extraordinary talents to do so. Awakening means that we awaken from the dream that …
Why Do Awakened Teachers Engage in Unethical Behavior?
Why do awakened teachers engage in unethical behavior like having sex with their students, lashing out in anger or acting in cruel ways? Is it that they are still processing personal material that needs to be tended to or are these behaviors simply part of being human? What Does “Awakened” Mean? Let me first define how I use the word …
Why Do We React? – The Inquiry into Desire and Ill Will
Why do we react? Why are we getting so emotionally involved into what’s happening? When my own guide asked me this question after the assumptions of desire and ill will had fallen away, I had no idea. Why had I thought my second name was God, and I could always have it my way and make others do what I …
How the Self-Illusion Developed and How to See Through It
Today I’m going to talk about how the self-illusion developed and how to see through it. Did you already try to realize that there is no ‘ME’ but it stills feel like it? Maybe you wonder how it is possible to do that. Do you just have to wait for the right moment that it happens and can’t do anything? Well, …
Is There a Choice?
Do you think, “Of course I have a choice. I am making choices each and every day. Otherwise, how would I be able to run my life?” Or are you part of the fraction who say, “No, there is no choice. Everything just happens?” In today’s video, we are going to look more closely into choices and whether or not …